

1. Provide Information what parkinson is
2. Provide reading to the people such as magazine journal to universities
3. To encourage research, to find breakthrough for the remedies of parkinson and other long life illnes.
4. To conduct seminars

Religous bodies :
1. To exchange charities to bodies that provide help and assistancance

I hope that this simple writing will reach what i expect from those having the capacity to help those in need of assistance in problem of financial and knowledge.

thank you all


Invitation to write about Parkinson

If you have any experience or information with Parkinson you can join us in our blog/web site.
Please send your writing via our email wachid1939@gmail.com

Your writing has to be original, we do not give any incentive on every writing that we received and has been publish in our blog/website.

Every writing you sent to us, you give us permission to place your writing in my blog/website.

Pls inform us about your name, country, your blog/website and others so why you interest with Parkinson.

Parkinson Organising The Combat

Because combating Parkinson include many groups of peoples from various discipline, there should be a managing body that make Planning, Organizing, Budgeting and Acting, Controlling in order can move into action.
This writing is only a wake up call to those more competence people. This writing is starting with simple idea to ask for the government to provide medical subsidies to those old people suffering long life illness, medicine not yet been found, require expensive remedies to keep them alife.
PARKINSON is the example for it, And may be still many more illness similar to Parkinson which the writer unaware of because little knowledge of medicine.
Therefore the writer will spend only a little. But begin with government duty to start the movement.

Let me try what should be done from the government

1. There should be Political Will in line with the movement.
2. To audit the illness that has similar characteristic/similar situation to Parkinson.
3. To audit the related remedy of the illnesses
4. To determine how much subsidy will be given
5. Inform the Pharmacy industry and doctors
6. To determine the age with which regarded as Senior Citizen
7. To inform when to start the movement.
8. To oganise other component say, expert medical practioner and other comp donators
9. To make the team keep moving.

With the two list namely list of various illness and remedies .The doctor only add in his
Prescription WITH SUBSIDY/ NOT. As the doctor know the age and remedy.


Parkinsons need help

Those medicines the doctor said act as fuel in the car ,becaue the car will not move without fuel and so the patient will not be able to move without medicine. And it is true in reality.
Depend upon the degree of the illness the medicine must be taken 3 or 4 times in one day .This that hurt the patient pocket especially those elderly people ( Senior citizen ) whose income is very limited.

Parkinsons attacks people from various class , say Muhamad Ali, the late Pope and even the doctor specialized in Nerve system and those less privilege ones To combat the disease need all effort from various bodies of societies, say the govermment, philantropiests, foundation, religious communites, medical men, and others who want to participate.


PARKINSON Which I Experience

Parkinson is discovered in the early 19th century, but is not widely known, maybe because it is not very deadly as HIV/AIDS. But PARKINSON can tie a man in bed for the rest of his life without knowing what illness he suffered.

PARKINSON work very slowly but sure. In this writing I try to share the experience with others who may be in the same boat with me or to remind experts and the goverment that they still have hame work that remain unfinished.

Let me here first the development in the desease.

I Knew that I am suffering PARKINSON when I Visit the Doctor in the year of 2000 and I Was very surprise knowing that PARKINSON is life time desease the medicine is not known yet, and from that on I already take tablet daily in may humble meals.

In This writing I try to see the development of PARKINSON which I Experience

I Was born 1939.

In 1960 after working hours, my left foot felt more tired than the right one.

In 1970 when I walk in group I can not keep in step with the rest of the group.

In 1980 my left hand can not sway when walking, when crossing the street always sameone approach me to lead the crossing, the same happen when working. The right Foot lead step.

Various medicien I take as my daily diet as madopar 125, Jumex, ATP, artane, The combination of this medicines only help me for periode of three hours to look normal